Monday, April 24, 2006

Once the Staff, always the Staff

So, Fearless Leader has probably been giving the bunch of you fellow shmucks endless reasons for Our seemingly endless absence. The more popular explanations range from "He's off and joined another cult... this time it's the Primate-Lovers Association of Upper Southern Interior Bulemic Luxembourg Endocrinologists - aka P.L.A.U.S.I.B.L.E." to "He became a mail-order groom for some chick in Russia who ain't really a chick..."

But alas, all heretofore mentioned rumours are just that. The truth is, We, the Staff (TM) are just plain easily distracted by shiny objects. So, since Fearless Leader hasn't officially canned us yet (you just gotta bribe him with a bottle of Sleeman's sometimes), We announce our return to contributing to the Realm of Useless Crap that is Arbiter's Judgement.

-The Staff

1 comment:

Juxtapose said...

Wait... you were gone? And where the fuck's my Sleeman's? I need something to go with my cereal in the morning.